Logo for: Horizons Greater Washington

Online Re-enrollment for Returning Students

For returning students only.

To re-enroll a returning student for Summer 2022:

    • Go to horizons.force.com
    • Log in using your email address as your username
    • Click “Begin Student Re-enrollment”
    • Complete the registration for your child and submit
    • You do NOT need to submit a copy of your child’s report card
    • Please remember to update your child’s current grade within the online form
  • Please Note: This is the same online enrollment process we used last year, so all your information should be saved under the account you created. If you have difficulty logging in, please choose “Forgot Your Password?” and you will be able to reset it. 


If you have more than one child who is returning: 

  • When you complete the first child’s re-enrollment, return to the Home page to re-enroll additional children by following the same process


For current Horizons families with a new child joining our Kindergarten class, you still must complete an online application for that new child.  This creates a record for him or her in our database. Click the link above to get started.

Need help? Contact Rebecca Fowler at fowlerr@lancastercountryday.org or 717-787-1752 (call or text).