Logo for: Horizons Greater Washington

Our Students

Serving Public School Students from Lancaster

Our students are selected with the help from our partner schools in the School District of Lancaster, based on criteria established by Horizons National. All of our students qualify for free or reduced school lunch when they join the program. 

Children in the School District of Lancaster are more likely to experience cumulative summer learning loss-- falling behind on reading and mathematics skills over the summer break as a result of systematically limited access to high-quality, low cost, summer programs. By fifth grade, the cumulative effect of summer learning loss can account for up to three years behind grade-level expectations. The Horizons program combats this devastating trend by providing a full-day, structured environment with an academic focus, nurturing expert staff, and plenty of indivualized attention that is of no cost to their families. The most significant impact takes place as our students return summer after summer. 

Once a student joins Horizons at LCDS, he or she is a member of the Horizons family throughout his or her academic career, even if he or she transfers out of the School District of Lancaster. We give preference to younger siblings of Horizons students, helping us to serve entire families and to create meaningful bonds.